why are my menus expanded whenever I start Atruim?

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why are my menus expanded whenever I start Atruim?

Post by chris_rover »

whenever I start the atruim product, I notice that all of my menus are expanded, requiring me to close them so that I can reach the item I am seeking, which might be on a menu near the bottom of the list. what can i do to prevent that? please find attached a screenshot of what i am talkig about.
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Re: why are my menus expanded whenever I start Atruim?

Post by David »

All menus are loaded at once and expanded when Atrium loads -- by design.

In a coming update this is going to change. We have some customers loading 1000's of items into the menu and performance has become an issue.

An update is coming soon that will load the menu items only as the user expands them.

This should take care of the problem for you -- sorry there's not a quick solution right now.
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Re: why are my menus expanded whenever I start Atruim?

Post by David »

Also, you shouldn't have to close any menus -- you can scroll down to the bottom. If the items are nested too deeply, you could exapand the default width of the menu using the configuration settings.
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Re: why are my menus expanded whenever I start Atruim?

Post by chris_rover »

ok, I look forward to that upgrade. yes, I can scroll down, but I still have to search among many different menus and menu items, instead of simply going to a menu, then expanding to find the item i am seeking.
thanks for the quick response though.
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