Can't call universal display file

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Can't call universal display file

Post by jwurst »

I want to create an HTML page that will serve as a report, hopefully that pops up in a new window. For starters I'm trying to get a basic universal display file to display some simple HTML.

My display file and program compile correctly.

I added my entry to PROFOUNDUI/PUIMAPP:
URIMAP /bbc084

The URL for the designer is this:

So I assumed that the URL to load the program would be this:

But when I load this URL into the browser it just brings up the universal designer with no file loaded. What could I be doing wrong?
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Re: Can't call universal display file

Post by matt.denninghoff »

Are there multiple instances of Profound UI on your system? If so, then there will be a different PUIMAPP file in each instance. The library associated with the instance running on your port 8130 should contain the PUIMAPP file. For example, if the instance on port 8130 is named PUITEST, then you'd need to edit the PUITEST/PUIMAPP file.
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Re: Can't call universal display file

Post by jwurst »

There are multiple instances. I added the record to both of the libraries I thought it might be pointing at. Now, just to be sure I've located all copies of the file on the system (there are 11) and inserted the record into every one of them. It didn't help. I still just get the universal designer when I open that URL.
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Re: Can't call universal display file

Post by matt.denninghoff »

There might be something wrong with the HTTP Server Configuration. The default configuration of the PROFOUND1 instance, for example, would be in the IFS file /www/profound1/conf/httpd.conf . For Universal Display Files to function, there should be these lines in that configuration file (assuming the instance name is PROFOUND1):

Code: Select all

ScriptAliasMatch ^/profoundui/universal/(.*) /QSYS.LIB/PROFOUND1.LIB/PUI0006000.PGM
ScriptAliasMatch ^/profoundui/auth/universal/(.*) /QSYS.LIB/PROFOUND1.LIB/PUI0006000.PGM
SetEnv PUI_UNIVERSAL /profoundui/universal
SetEnv PUI_UNIVERSAL_AUTH /profoundui/auth/universal
The behavior you described would happen if the following line were missing:

Code: Select all

ScriptAliasMatch ^/profoundui/universal/(.*) /QSYS.LIB/PROFOUND1.LIB/PUI0006000.PGM
By default, the HTTP configuration file for each instance are in /www/theInstanceName/conf/httpd.conf. To identify the correct file, you'd be looking for the file that runs port 8130, so you'd look for the one containing this line:

Code: Select all

Listen 8130
Can you find the HTTP Server configuration for your instance and confirm that the necessary lines exist.
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Re: Can't call universal display file

Post by jwurst »

Thank you, I'll look into this.
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