Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

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Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by dabeda »


I am very new to Profound but impressed.
Since I have set up Genie to look quite good with our software, I would like to start converting screens to add some extra features, or to correct them, but when I convert a screen, it just doesn´t look good and is almost impossible to change to the look which fits with the rest.
So is it possible to convert a screen to look exactly like adapted Genie Skin we have in use?
This is mandatory to make a smooth transition to more feature rich displays, like databasedriven autocomplete on the first format and the rest should still look the same.
All the CSS and JS stuff is still quite confusing for me...

Regards Peter
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Re: Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by Glenn »


Depending on how you changed the look and feel for your Genie skin you can create a custom theme for your conversions to make it match. See here ( for some more information on themes.

Can you tell me, generally, what changes you made to the Genie skin?

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Re: Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by Scott Klement »

The Hybrid Genie skin is meant to have the same look/feel as the Hybrid DDS conversion theme. The other skins/themes were not created with this in mind.

So, if you want a matching skin/theme, you might use that one, or use it as an example of how to create your own where things match. Of course, the Conversion Themes and Genie Skins included with the product are only examples, as Glenn points out you can create your own with any sort of styling you like.
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Re: Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by dabeda »


the changes in the Genie Skin are not so many, except that there is a little script which finds our F-Keys including the text, which is not IBM standard.

I will try to create a custom Theme, hopefully successful.
Guess some more questions will follow ... :-)

Thanks for the tip!

Regards Peter
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Re: Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by Brian »

I am a little late to this discussion as I have been on site with a business partner in France for the past week. The part of the conversion theme you will specifically need to work with is "process fkey". This property of the theme is a JavaScript function, that is run for each function key detected in the DDS (CAxx or CFxx). Using this function, you could attempt to find and properly set the label used for the function key.
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Re: Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by dabeda »

Hello Brian,

sorry but I think I don´t get it.

I have copied the hybrid.js file to be able to make changes, some properties are self-explaining and easy to use, but how to insert a function in there?
Could you provide me with a small example so i can understand how it´s done?
Like "F7= Weiter"

Regards Peter
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Re: Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by Brian »

Unfortunately, I am traveling and will not have a chance to build a specific example for you for a few days.

In general, the way to create the function is in the theme's JavaScript file, you will add a property for "process fkey" and set the function up as follows:

"process fkey": function(keyword, item, format, member) {

item["css class 2"] = "stationary";


As you see above, the function receives 4 parameters as outlined in the theme documentation here

The keyword parameter is used to see the actual DDS keyword used to define the function key (CAxx or CFxx). The item parameter has all of the information about the button/link created for the function key so that you may modify it. The format parameter contains all of the elements in the record format so that you may use them in your processing or even change them as well. The member parameter is simply the name of the DDS source member being used.

The example above is a very simple example that adds a new CSS class to all function key buttons or links.

A really good way to better understand how this works is to add a simple of empty function to the conversion theme and then use the browser's debugger to set a breakpoint on the function. You can then run a conversion and when it pauses for the breakpoint, you can view the parameters and their properties to better understand the format and information available.

I hope this helps. If not, someone else from our staff or existing customers can offer more guidance I am sure.

I have another tip for you since you are beginning to look at conversions. Look at our blog at . There are examples there by myself and other developers on more advanced techniques for conversion.
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Re: Convert DDS to look like Genie Skin

Post by dabeda »

Thank you very much Brian, this helps already.

Regards Peter
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