Single Signon Abilities with Atrium

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Single Signon Abilities with Atrium

Post by cp4cartman »

We have several thousand users outside of our network that access our site, via PUI Atrium. We have a typical login page that uses profiles and authentication on our iseries system(s).

What some of our customers are asking, is if Atrium has the ability to support some sort of Single Sign On (SSO) from outside of our network. Example would be a user on one of our customer's networks logs into their particular systems, and then access our site, via Atrium. At that point, they wouldn't have to enter any login information, and it is passed to us (and our site), and it logs them in, without entering any information at all on our side.

If I'm not clear, just let me know what else I need to provide, and I'll do my best to provide this.
Scott Klement
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Re: Single Signon Abilities with Atrium

Post by Scott Klement »

It's possible to set up Kerberos logins, if that would help?
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