Open once via Atrium.launchURL

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Open once via Atrium.launchURL

Post by leatherlips »

I was wondering if there was a way to mimic the Open Once functionality that exists when opening items from the atrium menu when using the API Atrium.launchURL.
If I launch an atrium tab from my PUI app, I would also prefer to only launch it once.
If there's no way, can you please consider this as an option for future? (perhaps a parm on the api that, if "true" would determine if the item is open and act as the atrium menu does now?

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Re: Open once via Atrium.launchURL

Post by David »

Currently there is not a way. We can take it into consideration, but not sure how this would be done in a clear way as the tab is then not tied to a specific menu option code which can be checked easily.

It could compare URL strings used, but then what happens if same URL but different parameters, etc., you get the idea.
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Re: Open once via Atrium.launchURL

Post by leatherlips »

Thanks, I wasn't sure if there was perhaps a way. Not a show stopper anyway.
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