Loading Animation on Server Call

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Loading Animation on Server Call

Post by acharyam »

How to apply loading animation when making a ajaxJSON() call?

Now iam trying with the below code :

pui["loading animation"]["css"] = 'loader';
let response = ajaxJSON({ url: "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" });
pui["loading animation"]["css"] = '';

Please suggest some better approach to apply loading animation on making a server call.
Scott Klement
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Re: Loading Animation on Server Call

Post by Scott Klement »

Those variables you're changing are for configuring the Profound UI loading animation. They are only a configuration setting, changing them will not cause the animation to immediately run.

We do not currently provide a way for customers to run the loading animation. If you'd like to request this as a new feature, it can be done by e-mailing support@profoundlogic.com

Alternately, you could write your own loading animation.
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