Profound UI Format Names

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Profound UI Format Names

Post by kodurivp »


I am trying to use the getAllScreenProps API in genie but it's giving false. Purpose is to format names. Can you please provide more details about it what exactly the purpose and steps. Our assumption is the screens displaying in the genie are recordformatnames...

Scott Klement
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Re: Profound UI Format Names

Post by Scott Klement »

The purpose is to return the screen-level (as opposed to widget-level) properties for a Rich Display file.

Its difficult to say what the problem is from your description. If you aren't on a Rich Display File (for example, if you're trying to use this with a 5250 screen) it won't work. Likewise, if you don't provide a valid record format name for the current screen, it won't work.

You say the purpose is "to format names", I don't really understand what that means?
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