Profound.js install error

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Profound User
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:25 pm
First Name: Doug
Last Name: Lindahl
Company Name: Anda Pharmaceuticals
Phone: 954-217-4195
Address 1: 2915 Weston Rd
City: Weston
State / Province: Florida
Zip / Postal Code: 33331
Country: United States

Profound.js install error

Post by Doug »

Hello. I'm trying to install Profound.js on our system but I'm getting an error. I've pasted the dialog from my session below. Please help.

Code: Select all

npm install profoundjs                                                                                                          
 [K [?25h         [27m [90m...... [0m] \ install:is-data-descriptor:  [32minfo [0m  [35mlifecycle [0m is-data-descr [0m [K [K   
> idb-connector@1.1.8 install /profoundjs/node_modules/idb-connector                                                            
> node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build                                                                                      
 [37;40mnode-pre-gyp [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m  [0m [35mUsing request for node-pre-gyp https download [0m                        
 [0m[idb-connector] Success: "/profoundjs/node_modules/idb-connector/lib/binding/Release/node-v64-ibmi-ppc64/db2ia.node" is insta
lled via remote                                                                                                                  
> profoundjs-fibers@2.6.0 install /profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs-fibers 
> node build.js || nodejs build.js                                           
`aix-ppc64-64` exists; testing                                               
Binary is fine; exiting                                                      
> profoundjs@4.9.2 install /profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs               
> node setup/setup.js                                                        
package.json created automatically with defaults.                            
Creating modules directory.                                                  
Creating puiscreens.json.                                                    
Creating puiuplexit.js.                                                      
Copying pjssamples.                                                          
store_credentials.js created.                                                
call.js created.
start.js created.                                                              
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event                                     
Error: setRawMode EINVAL                                                       
    at ReadStream.setRawMode (tty.js:68:31)                                    
    at Interface._setRawMode (readline.js:251:16)                              
    at new Interface (readline.js:211:10)                                      
    at Object.createInterface (readline.js:69:10)                              
    at ask (/profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs/setup/setup.js:88:45)          
    at askPuiLibrary (/profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs/setup/setup.js:650:3)
    at /profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs/setup/setup.js:827:11               
    at createStart (/profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs/setup/setup.js:177:5)  
    at /profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs/setup/setup.js:824:7                
    at createCall (/profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs/setup/setup.js:189:5)  
Emitted 'error' event at:                                                                                                        
    at ReadStream.setRawMode (tty.js:68:10)                                                                                      
    at Interface._setRawMode (readline.js:251:16)                                                                                
    [... lines matching original stack trace ...]                                                                                
    at createCall (/profoundjs/node_modules/profoundjs/setup/setup.js:189:5)                                                     
 [K [?25h [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m  [0m [35menoent [0m ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/profoundjs/package.js
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m [35m [0m profoundjs No description                                                      
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m [35m [0m profoundjs No repository field.                                                
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m [35m [0m profoundjs No README data                                                      
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m [35m [0m profoundjs No license field.                                                   
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m  [0m [35moptional [0m SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: profoundjs-node-pty@1.0.3 (node_modu
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m  [0m [35mnotsup [0m SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for profoundjs-no
de-pty@1.0.3: wanted {"os":"!aix","arch":"!ppc64"} (current: {"os":"aix","arch":"ppc64"})                                        
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m  [0m [35moptional [0m SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.8 (node_modules/fsevent
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [30;43mWARN [0m  [0m [35mnotsup [0m SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.
8: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"aix","arch":"ppc64"})                                                    
 [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m  [0m [35mcode [0m ELIFECYCLE                                                                
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m  [0m [35merrno [0m 1                                                                    
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m [35m [0m profoundjs@4.9.2 install: `node setup/setup.js`                                
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m [35m [0m Exit status 1                                                                  
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m [35m [0m                                                                                
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m [35m [0m Failed at the profoundjs@4.9.2 install script.                                 
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m [35m [0m This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging out
put above.                                                                                                                       
 [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m [35m [0m A complete log of this run can be found in:                                        
 [0m [37;40mnpm [0m  [0m [31;40mERR! [0m [35m [0m     /home/DLINDAHL/.npm/_logs/2019-04-18T21_12_24_220Z-debug.log               
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Profound Logic Staff Member
Posts: 89
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:30 am
First Name: Emily
Last Name: Seage
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Re: Profound.js install error

Post by Emily »

Hi Doug,

We're sorry to hear that you're having troubles installing Profound.js. The problem that you are experiencing is a known issue. Currently, you cannot use Node 10 to install Profound.js in a 5250 session. Our team has implemented a fix for this which will be included in the next release of Profound.js.

Until the next release is available, you should be able to install Profound.js using a Unix-type terminal emulator, such as PuTTY.

We hope that this helps!
Emily Seage
Support Team Lead
Profound User
Posts: 20
Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:25 pm
First Name: Doug
Last Name: Lindahl
Company Name: Anda Pharmaceuticals
Phone: 954-217-4195
Address 1: 2915 Weston Rd
City: Weston
State / Province: Florida
Zip / Postal Code: 33331
Country: United States

Re: Profound.js install error

Post by Doug »

I'll give that a try. Thanks Emily!
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