Browser Session Time-Out

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Browser Session Time-Out

Post by James-S »

With Profound applications, the HTTP server job creates an associated interactive job. When the HTTP session times-out, the associated interactive job continues to be active until the job inactivity limit is reached. For our environment that is 90 minutes.

Users return and initiate a new browser and signs on to a new session. At times, users have the disconnected interactive job which are still active so there are times where they have used their max sessions limit.

Is there a way to end the associated job when the browser session has timed-out?
Scott Klement
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Re: Browser Session Time-Out

Post by Scott Klement »

Normally when Genie's controller job (the HTTP server job) ends, this also ends the interactive job (or puts it to "disconnected" state, depending on your system values). We are not aware of a way to make the interactive job remain active... can you tell us how to go about reproducing the issue?

Or, if the problem is that the jobs are disconnected... not a lot we can do about that, as that's a feature of the 5250 environment of the OS, we don't have much control over what it does.
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Re: Browser Session Time-Out

Post by James-S »

Hey Scott.

Sorry about the delay of replying to your post. I didn't realize there was a reply and just now getting to reviewing recent posts.

The work around to this issue was allowing specific users to have 9 concurrent interactive sessions. As for getting info to Profound, I'm not sure how to go about putting together the information out side the browser json and I don't think that's going to give any insight between the HTTP server job and the interactive job. Do you have any specific information to look for?
Scott Klement
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Re: Browser Session Time-Out

Post by Scott Klement »


I can't tell you what to look at because I'm not familiar with this problem. I've never seen a case where the controller job ends and the interactive job remains active.

I was asking for the conditions/steps to reproduce it in hopes of becoming familiar with it.
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Re: Browser Session Time-Out

Post by mlyons »

I am having a problem with disconnected jobs that I have been able to recreate on other systems. If I am using the workstation and suffix params in the url and I exit a tab by clicking the x or f3 I get a disconnected job and subsequently when I try to run another program I get the IBM screen asking me if I want to recover it. The programs I run to get this are using genie macros. I have tested this without using workstation ids & suffixes and the jobs are ended right away. When I use them I get the disconnected jobs. I have put in a support ticket that may explain better. I am on 7.3 and using the latest version of Profound. I was having the same problem prior to upgrading Profound.
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