How does this work with V5R4?

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Profound Logic
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How does this work with V5R4?

Post by Profound Logic »

How does this work with V5R4, which doesn't support the HANDLER keyword?

Instead of coding the HANDLER keyword, you will have to use our RPG Preprocessor Module. As the name implies, this component works by preprocessing your code to add in direct calls to our Handler. We provide commands PUIRPGMOD, PUIBNDRPG, and PUIRPGSQLI that correspond to CRTRPGMOD, CRTBNDRPG, and CRTSQLRPI, respectively.

As an alternative to calling the PUIXXXXXX commands directly, we also provide optional CL command exit points that can invoke them automatically when you use CRTXXXXXX, if the source code contains Profound UI specific /DEFINE directive.

The preprocessor will create a temporary copy of your original source code, replace the display file operations in there with calls to the Handler, and then invoke the appropriate system RPG compile command on the source to finish the job.

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