Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

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Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by wsdweb »


I would like to copy fields from one Tab-Panel to another Tab-Panel.

For example:

I would like to copy an Output-Field with the label for "Customer-Number" from TAB Panel 2 (Dialog-Panel with Customer-Details) to
TAB Panel 3 (other Dialog-Panel with some Customerinformations also).

If I use the copy function in TAB-panel 2 for a field on this TAB-panel 2, I can paste it into the TAB-panel 2 but I can't paste this field into another
TAB-Panel. It is very annoyingly if you got (for example) 20 fields (Labels and output fields) from one TAB-Panel (2), to define manually in the next TAB-panel (3) again.

If you try to drag and drop a field from the Editors-Element Tab it's also not working ("Drop item into a layout") !

Or am I doing something wrong ?

Maybe there is a solution or a an answer in the forum but I couldn't find it with the search function.
So please be patient to me and don't mind my broken english....

best regards

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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by Emily »

Hi Walter,

The best way to accomplish this is to copy your fields from Tab Panel 2, paste the fields on an empty part of your screen in the Visual Designer, and then drag those fields into Tab Panel 3. When you're moving fields inside of tab panels, they will need to be dragged inside of the tab panel. Dragging the field to your tab panel should show you a green 'Element added to panel' message inside of the panel. This message confirms that your field (or widget) is actually in your tab panel.

Also, what you are experiencing when trying to drag elements from the 'Elements' tab is expected. Elements are not meant to be dragged onto the screen from this panel. This panel allows you to remove elements, re-order the elements in the list, etc.

We hope that this helps!

Emily Seage
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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by wsdweb »

Hi Emily,

Thanks for your quick answer !

I understand what you've wrote, but this is not really a practical solution.
There is free NO empty part at all on my screen in visual designer.
The Layout is fixed to fill the whole screen and is in responseable design.
I can only copy one or two lines of one tab into a part of the header part of my screen and
than copy this lines from there to the next tab.
And this only works if I set the browser to 50 % size, otherwise I wont see any "free" space at all in the header.
You need a magnifying glass to see what you are doing than. One mouse click in the wrong area of the screen and
the frame/tab is destroyed while copying something you did not want - due to marking parts of the frame you can't even really see
in 50% browser view.
Hope you understand what I would like to say.
Of course I read the answer from Scott Klement due "Copying Grids/Subfiles" in TAB-Panels.
But manually editing the source files with an javascript editor can't be the solution.
I'm expecting a possibility to copy screens (for me a tab-panel is only a screen in a display file) in the
visual designer - like in SDA.
Maybe I'm expecting too much...

Best regards, Walter
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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by DanD »

I don't know if this will help, but I've done the following when copying data from one tab panel to the other.

Select the field(s) that you want to copy from the original tab panel (using control-shift to select multiple) & then choose Copy

Go into the tab panel that you want to paste the data into & choose paste.

While the elements are still hi-lighted, drag them into the tab panel, then manually populate the "parent tab" and "parent tab panel" fields. Keep in mind that the tab panel numbering starts at 0.

So as an example - I'm selecting & copying 20 fields from Parent tab panel "TabPanel1", first tab (Parent tab 0)

I then click on the 3rd tab

Paste - then drag into the tab panel.

On the right side of the Visual Designer in the "Properties", type in tab.

You should then see "parent tab panel", "parent tab", "tab index".

In my case, I would want to change
"parent tab panel": TabPanel1
"parent tab": 2

Hopefully this will help.
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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by wsdweb »

Hi DanD,

thank's a lot for your explanation.
I'm sorry, but it's not working here or I'm not able to to do it the right way.

First attempts did not work at all, but than
I named/numbered the tab panels and tab indexes and after that
I managed to copy fields from one tab to anntoher. But this only works
with Ctrl+V - not with "paste"
after this I've got the copied fields from Tab Panel 2 not only in Tab Panel 3 - there also in the Tab Panel 1 (?!?) on a different position...

So this isn't fine also.

No idea, what I should try more....

best regards, Walter
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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by DanD »

Hi Walter,

I created a new screen, inserting a tab panel with 3 tabs.

I added 3 Labels & 3 buttons to Tab1 (internal tab 0).

You can see by clicking on Tab2 & Tab3, they are all empty.
Image1a.jpg (55.21 KiB) Viewed 3075 times
Going back to Tab1, I then select all elements and use the Copy button.

Going to Tab3, I then hit the paste button. After I dragged the elements over a little bit within the tab itself, the little message "6 elements added to panel" in green briefly appeared - so I didn't need to manually type in the tab panel or parent tab.
Image1b.jpg (143.38 KiB) Viewed 3075 times
Now the elements are both on tab panel 1 & 3 - but not on 2.
Image1c.jpg (84.79 KiB) Viewed 3075 times
Keep in mind that this is an overly simplistic example - all I have on this example is a tab panel & the few elements that I added to it.

If you cannot reproduce, perhaps the issue is your version of the VisualDesigner - mine is 5.14.

You'll find screenshots attached.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by wsdweb »

Hi Dan,

thanks a lot for your try to help me get this issue fixed.

So now I tried exacteley the same than you did.
I created a new screen, inserting a tab panel with 3 tabs.
Added some label and fields (Textbox).

If I mark some fields from tab1 (internal 0) and click "copy", I can't paste this fields into tab 3 due to not having the option "Paste" at all.
If I do the same copy and try "Ctrl+V" in the 3. tab, I can insert the fields in tab 3, but then there are also added into
Tab 1 (internal 0).

I'm using Version 5.13.0.

Maybe it would be different if I will use 5.14...

best regards

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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by DanD »

Hi Walter,

I'm not sure why the paste option isn't appearing for you. Looking at the change log for 5.14, I don't see any mention of an issue with the Paste button not appearing.

After you use Control-V to paste on Tab 3, while the fields are still hi-lighted, try holding down your mouse button on one of them and slightly moving the mouse, then releasing the button. Hopefully you will see the message "'x' elements added to panel" (you'll see in my prior reply that I mentioned that step).

If that doesn't work, perhaps try updating to 5.14.0 to rule out a versioning issue.

Good luck
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Re: Copy fields from one tab panel to another tab panel in Visual Designer

Post by wsdweb »

Hi Dan,

I got it working! ;-)

There is still no paste option, but with Ctrl + V it does work
when I don't directly paste the copied fields at the right place.
I have to drag them somewhere else, as long as they are highlighted after they get
visisble on the tab where I want to paste them in.

The message "'x' elements added to panel" does appear in my test DSPF if I do it like you said.
In the DSPF where I needed to copy things from one tab to annother it is working like
I said in the beginning, but there I don't get this message after moving around the higlighted objects
on the screen. Don't know why, but it is working, so I don't bother.

Thank you very much for your help.
Maybe some day the Editor is able to just copy complete tabs like sda is able to copy screens...

best regards - Walter
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