scroll wheel active in a grid ?

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scroll wheel active in a grid ?

Post by ppbedz »


I have a rather large grid with the scroll bar disabled. If I am clicked in the grid, I am unable to scroll through the grid using the scroll wheel on my mouse. If I am clicked outside of the grid, the scroll wheel will advance the grid page. Is there a setting that will allow the scroll wheel to work while clicked in the grid? It will be inconvenient for the user to keep clicking outside the grid wile they are entering data.

Thank you,
Scott Klement
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Re: scroll wheel active in a grid ?

Post by Scott Klement »

Do you mean that you want the scroll wheel to scroll the browser window? And that it works when the focus is not on the grid, but doesn't work when the focus is on the grid?

Or do you truly mean that the grid pages up/down when the focus is out of the grid? (Which wouldn't make much sense.)

In either case, this is a new request that I haven't heard before. So you'll need to file a feature request with
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Re: scroll wheel active in a grid ?

Post by ppbedz »

Yes, I mean the mouse will not scroll while focus is in the grid. I will contact support. Thank you.
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