Subfile Labels

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Subfile Labels

Post by bsinclair »

I am attempting to change some of my subfile positioning using Genie and I can move the fields with no problems but I am unable to move labels built into the subfile. I have attached a copy of the dds showing what I am talking about. I just need to know if there is a way to move the labels within a subfile.

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Scott Klement
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Re: Subfile Labels

Post by Scott Klement »

I'm not sure that I follow you. What do you mean by "labels built into the subfile"?

The code you posted is an RPG III program. I'm not understanding how it relates to your question. Genie does not interface directly with an RPG program unless you are using Open Access. (Which you cannot be in this case, because Open Access does not exist for RPG III.) Instead, Genie acts as a 5250 terminal and gets the 5250 data stream from the system.

So if you have a question with Genie, it'd be better to provide a screenshot so we can see what you are referring to, and a JSON dump (created with Ctrl-F9) that we can use to re-play your screen on our own systems and see what you're referring to.
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Re: Subfile Labels

Post by bsinclair »

I have added the file you requested. When you view it you will see that within the subfile you have words like "Vendor", "Lease", "Purch". the respective variable fields are moveable but the words are not. Also any field that is output only can't be moved. If this is because the program Is written in RPG III then I understand but I didn't know that Genie required RPG IV or higher.

Thanks again for your time.
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Scott Klement
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Re: Subfile Labels

Post by Scott Klement »

Hmmm... all of these fields are movable for me. But, it's very possible that I don't have everything set up the same way that you do.

I would recommend creating a support issue with Profound Logic. You can do that by e-mailing so they can work with you to reproduce the issue.
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Re: Subfile Labels

Post by Scott Klement »

I think I see what you're talking about. Genie will "consume" output fields into the grid. (It never does this with input fields, only output fields.) Once that has been done, the output fields are part of the grid and cannot be moved. If you move the grid, they will move along with it, etc. This process of "consuming" is described under "Consuming Data From the Screen" at the following link: ... Genie+Grid

To disable this behavior, go into your grid properties and set the "starting row" and "ending row" properties to the word "skip", and see if that works well for you.
gridSkip.png (4.49 KiB) Viewed 1269 times
NOTE: This option may not be ideal because Genie will have to re-detect the starting/ending row number every time. If that detection doesn't work consistently, this could cause it to fail to show the grid. If you run into this problem, it might be better to move the fields in your green-screen DDS insteead of moving it in Genie.
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Re: Subfile Labels

Post by bsinclair »

You are right the output fields were the problem.
Sorry I didn't explain it better.
Unfortunately changing the DDS is not an option due to other third party packages.
Thanks for the information and I will try disabling it and see what happens.
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