In the Apache Directives, it tells you to comment/uncomment a portion below based on whether you are using IBM I profile/Kerberos/LDAP. There is another DirectoryMatch directive above that. Does this one need to be changed to use Kerberos also?
Code: Select all
<DirectoryMatch "^/QSYS\.LIB/PROFOUNDUI\.LIB/PUI000(11.{2}|22.{2}|4.{3})\.PGM">
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Profound UI"
PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%%
# This environment variable must be set to match the value of
# your AuthName directive. This is used by the Atrium sign on
# program to sign users into the correct "realm".
SetEnv PUI_AUTH_REALM "Profound UI"
# The following sections control how authentication is handled in Profound UI.
# To change the authentication procedures, comment/uncomment the desried sections.
# Use the following section for IBM i profile authentication.
#<DirectoryMatch "^/QSYS\.LIB/PROFOUNDUI\.LIB/PUI000(3.{3})\.PGM">
# Require valid-user