Barcodes in Genie?

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Wayne C.
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Barcodes in Genie?

Post by Wayne C. »

Can barcodes be set up on a screen in Genie? For our warehouse application, we'd like to give a user who is scanning in barcodes from a box, pallet or shelf the ability scan a function key barcode (ex. F3 To End) on the entry screen instead of going to a printout of function key barcodes. If this is possible, can you give me a general idea how it's done?
Scott Klement
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Re: Barcodes in Genie?

Post by Scott Klement »

Some types of scanners, such as laser scanners, don't work with screens because the screen is essentially light being shined at the scanner mechanism, so a laser doesn't bounce off of a screen the same way it would bounce off paper.

However, other types of barcode scanners will work fine with screens. For example, scanners that use the camera on a mobile device have no trouble with displays. Not sure about CCD scanners, but I wouldn't be surprised if they worked, too.

Anyway, Genie screens are just web pages. If you can find software out there that generates barcodes to appear on web pages (and I'm sure you can... Google it) then you can probably use them in Genie.
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