mandatory entry

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mandatory entry

Post by devdevdev »

Hi, how can I set a mandatory field to false?
Scott Klement
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Re: mandatory entry

Post by Scott Klement »

I'm not sure I understand what yu mean by :set a manditory field to false".

Are you asking how to remove the ME (manditory entry) attribute from a field in a display file? If so, this is done by changing the source code for your screen. Look for CHECK(ME) in the DDS, and either remove it, or condition it on an indicator so your program can turn it on or off.

Please let me know if that helps, or if I'm not uinderstanding you.
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Re: mandatory entry

Post by newdevgenie »

Thanks for your reply,

We are refacing a poorly designed application of which we haven't the source code. Some input fields are detected by Genie as mandatory while they shouldn't then we get the "Mandatory data entry field" error message. We are looking for a workaround that would allow the screen to be validated even if some fields are empty.
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Re: mandatory entry

Post by Scott Klement »

Are you getting errors about manditory entry when you shouldn't be? If so, this may be a bug in Genie. If so, please send us a JSON screen shot (Press Ctrl-F9 and your browser will download a file containing a JSON screenshot to your PC. E-mail this to, or post it here.)
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Re: mandatory entry

Post by alon »

Are you getting errors about manditory entry??? If so, then its a bug!!
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