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Post by jac53 »

In the production partition which is in V5R4 I am getting the following error. Any help will be appreciated.

Additional Message Information

Message ID . . . . . . : PUI0033 Severity . . . . . . . : 40
Message type . . . . . : Escape
Date sent . . . . . . : 01/24/12 Time sent . . . . . . : 11:42:36

Message . . . . : WebFacing Server communiction error.
Cause . . . . . : 3426 - A connection with a remote socket was reset by that
Recovery . . . : Contact the person responsible for program maintenance to
determine the cause of the problem.

In the development partition which also is V5R4 I do not have that problem.

Also I noticed the following in some the PROFOUNDUI jobs:
Display All Messages
Job . . : PROFOUNDUI User . . : QTMHHTTP Number . . . : 601434

5' '-cEAMap' '*CCSID' '-cAEMap' '*CCSID' '-uiCCSID' '819' '-apache' '-d' '
/www/profoundui/htdocs' '-f' '/www/profoundui/conf/httpd.conf' '-AutoStart
Error occurred converting data. Reason 5.
Error occurred converting data. Reason 5.
This is the manager job for HTTP Server instance PROFOUNDUI.
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Post by David »

I think the messages in the HTTP server job log are unrelated to the WebFacing server problem, but it wouldn't hurt to see what those are all about.

Can you press F1 on those 'Error occurred converting data' messages to see the additonal detail? We'd want to see all of that, including the explanation of reason code 5.

In regard to the WebFacing server, this particular error indicates that the WebFacing server has dropped the connection. To get some idea of why, can you check the WebFacing server job logs? You can do this through System i Navigator under Network->Servers->TCP/IP->WebFacing. Right click on that and select 'Server Jobs'. Are there any useful messages in the job logs?

If this is an emergency, you can bypass the WebFacing Server altogether by setting the connection type to Virtual Terminal in the Genie Administrator on the production system. This will at least get you running until this can be sorted out.

There is a known issue with the WebFacing server if your system value QMAXSGNACN is set to '1' or '3'. When the system disables a device for invalid sign on attempts, the WebFacing server will become unresponsive (giving the same error message you report) until it is restarted.

IBM is aware of this issue and has no plans to fix it, they inform us.

They recommend setting QMAXSGNACN to '2', since '1' and '3' are somewhat useless anyhow with auto-configured virtual devices.

If your WF server starts working after a restart and your QMAXSGNACN is set to '1' or '3', I would think that this is the problem, and a user has 'broken' the WF server with invalid sign on attempts.
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Post by jac53 »

The problem with *WEBFACING was the QUSER profile did not have proper authority to create the library QQFTEMP.

This is the print screen you asked for:
Additional Message Information

Message ID . . . . . . : HTP8047 Severity . . . . . . . : 30
Message type . . . . . : Diagnostic
Date sent . . . . . . : 01/24/12 Time sent . . . . . . : 08:26:23

Message . . . . : Error occurred converting data. Reason 5.
Cause . . . . . : An error occurred converting data between UTF8 and an
EBCDIC CCSID. The reason code is 5. Reason codes and their meanings follow:
1 - Substitution characters were used converting the information.
2 - The source to be converted does not contain valid characters.
3 - There is an unpaired set of shift controls.
4 - There is an error with the source information.
5 - The size of the converted data is greater than the receiver buffer
Recovery . . . : Depending on the error, do one of the following:
Check the data that you are converting to make sure it is in the CCSID
specified for the conversion. Make sure the size of the receiver buffer is
Additional Message Information

Message ID . . . . . . : HTP8047 Severity . . . . . . . : 30
Message type . . . . . : Diagnostic

large enough for the converted data. For conversions from a single-byte
CCSID to UTF8, the length of the receiver buffer should be three times the
length of the source. For conversions from a mixed EBCDIC CCSID to UTF8, the
length of the receiver buffer should be at least 2 times the length of the
source. Reasons 1 and 3 apply only to double-byte character sets.
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Post by David »

I'm glad the WebFacing server issue is sorted out. I'd still recommend checking on QMAXSGNACN if you haven't already, as this is a frequent cause of problems for customers.

In regard to these CCSID errors, is the HTTP server operable? Meaning does everything seem to work ok? This message indicates that the HTTP server had some trouble in converting data to/from EBCDIC and UTF-8. Profound UI's HTTP configuration uses Unicode UTF-8 for the outgoing CCSID to support international customers.

The translations are performed by the IBM HTTP server itself. We've seen on some systems that UTF-8 is handled badly and that HTTP server PTFs are required for it to function normally. Although when we see these types of messages, usually the HTTP server is not operable until PTFs are applied.
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Post by jac53 »

Yes the HTTP server is operable. In development partition I do not get that error at all. I talk to the technology guys and we are supposed to be in the same level of PTFs in both partitions.
Anyway, by any chance Do you know the PTFs for V5R4 needed to fix this problem?. With those we can check if some are missing.
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Post by David »

I'm not sure of the exact PTFs you would need. We've seen in general that there are issues sometimes with the HTTP server and UTF-8 that are resolved through PTFs. I can't say actually whether we've seen this exact reason code before or not.

I'd recommend checking this with IBM technical support.
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