How DDS Converter converts a multi-line subfile

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How DDS Converter converts a multi-line subfile

Post by UPI »

Can you explain why the DDS Converter creates a grid with a single column when converting a subfile? Seems like many of the features available for subfiles are automatically excluded this way (like sortable columns).
Also, I've tried to duplicate the collapse/expand technique that is automatically included when the DDS Converted converts a multi-line subfile. I've been unsuccessful because the entire width of the subfile line I design is being displayed. Can you provide an example, or step by step instructions, to get this to work? I know it doesn't take any changes to my RPG code to get it working.
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Re: How DDS Converter converts a multi-line subfile

Post by Greg »

The DDS converter will create multiple columns for single line subfiles only. For multiline subfiles, the data within the rows may not line up into perfect columns and therefore, the DDS conversion creates a single column only.

The following is a step-by-step process to follow for creating a collapsible subfile:

1. Set the “row height” property to match the expanded state of the subfile
2. Set the “fold multiple” property to 2, 3, or 4 for instance, when the value is set to 3, the row will be one third of its height when collapsed.
3. The “expanded” or “collapsed” properties indicate whether the subfile is initially expanded or collapsed. These properties can be bound to an indicator.

Then, add a button or image icon for collapsing/expanding the subfile. This element will need an onclick event that uses one of the following API’s:

1. getObj(“MYSFL”).grid.expand()
2. getObj(“MYSFL”).grid.collapse()
3. getObj(“MYSFL”).grid.toggle()

Where MYSFL is the ID of the subfile grid.
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