to control the libary list and it was working, but now at 2.1.6, I don't seem to have any control over the library list in my Apache httpd.conf file. My programs don't find our database tables.
As of version 2.1.6, the library list in that environment variable will not be carried over into the application.
We are building a more flexible system for managing library lists, which will be driven by database files in Profound UI and optionally job descriptions. You can update the first record in file PUI0001204 and put a space separated library list into the LIBRARY LIST field.
In an upcoming release, there will be an GUI interface for maintaining this.
Test and production environments will be running out of their own Profound UI library (PROFOUNDUI by default). The solution here is to update file PUI0001204 in the test library with the test library list and update the file PUI0001204 in the production library with the production library list
So I need to install ProfoundUI twice, and call one of them something different, like TESTPUI? Will they share license keys and can I install different versions?
I'd like to be able to test the next version for things like this that break before moving adopting the new version in production.
(Frankly, "SetEnv QIBM_CGI_LIBRARY_LIST " was simpler, but with what we've experienced so far, it would be good to test out new versions before adopting in production.)
Yes I would recommend a test and production install. This does means installing it twice. TESTPUI would be a good name for a test instance. One license will cover multiple instances on the one box and you can have different version running in each instance.
When you install Profound UI for the test instance, change the Destination Library to TESTPUI, the Instance Name to TESTPUI and the Port Number to a different number than the production intance (e.g. 8080 for production, 8081 for test)