Conversion Themes - Responsive Layouts

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Conversion Themes - Responsive Layouts

Post by pjshuey »

I have a conversion theme that is putting a responsive layout on the screen. That works great, but I would like to place some of the screen elements into specific children of the layout. Is there a way to do that?
Scott Klement
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Re: Conversion Themes - Responsive Layouts

Post by Scott Klement »

To me, the biggest question is "how do you know what to make responsive and in what manner"? Because all you have for information in the green-screen is the location of the field by row/col. How would you know when its okay for it to move around, and when its not, and how exactly to make it move around? Seems like there's no "right" answer to that, aside from using human intelligence to look at it on a case-by-case basis.

That said, if you have situations where a program could "automatically" answer the above question you should be able to use the JavaScript hooks in the conversion theme to write code that assigns widgets to the appropriate children of a layout.

Off the top of my head, you would use the "process field" function to set the individual properties of the generated widgets, and the "add enhancements" to add the layouts.
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