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Displaying PDF's

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:09 pm
by sarnold905
I am new to ProfoundUI programming. I was given a sample program where a Textbox & View button are used to display a PDF. The PDF file name is first entered into the textbox (called RptPath), then the view button is pressed, which runs the following java script:"RptPathID")).

My problem is that it seems like the program attaches "/WWW/ProfoundUI/htdocs" to the front of whatever is put in the textbox. If "/Invoices/Invoice123.pdf" is entered in the textbox, it will only display if the system finds document "/WWW/ProfoundUI/htdocs/Invoices/Invoice123.pdf."

I have many PDF's saved in the IFS and would like to be able to view them without having to move them first to /WWW/ProfoundUI/htdocs.

Is there a way to display PDF's from anywhere in the IFS, either using the java script or any other method?

Re: Displaying PDF's

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:03 pm
by David