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Grid using a data URL

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:02 am
by esdaled
I am trying to set up a grid in Genie which uses an RPGsp program on the server to return information for the Grid.

However, the data url property on the grid seems to do a post so I am unable pass information from the screen to the RPGsp program. How can I pass information from the screen (e.g. cllient number) to the RPGsp program?

Re: Grid using a data URL

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:51 pm
by David
Currently there is no interface for sending parameters on the post. Are you able to use the SQL option for creating the grid? You can specify the SQL query using the "custom sql" property. Anything can be done here, such as joining files, filtering records, etc.

You can use property scripting to put the client number into the WHERE clause, for example, to filter the records.

Does this help?

Re: Grid using a data URL

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:17 pm
by esdaled
For the grid that I was hoping to create the results can not easily be created with an SQL statement. I would have to write a stored procedure (which is not something we have any experience with).

Any chance an option can be added for a data url option submitted with a get. This way I could include the required parameters in the URL?

Re: Grid using a data URL

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:47 am
by David
This may be something that we can add to a future release. In the meanwhile, you could pass query string parameters and use RPGspGetQryStr() to return the full query string. It could then be parsed manually for the needed values.