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Sign-on Screen and wrkstnid/suffixid query parms in Genie

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:57 pm
by kroberson

Why would I not pick up our custom signon in Genie when we don't use wrkstnid and suffixid query parameters? If I go in from a saved shortcut without the query parms, Genie doesn't find the custom screen. This only happens on the Sign-on screen. The other screens are the same with or with out the parms.



Re: Sign-on Screen and wrkstnid/suffixid query parms in Genie

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:00 pm
by Scott Klement
Sorry, I don't understand.

Can you give an example of the URL that doesn't work vs. the URL that does work?

Re: Sign-on Screen and wrkstnid/suffixid query parms in Genie

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:22 pm
by kroberson
This url works and picks up our custom screen:

But this url does not and just renders Genie's best effort at transforming it:
http://naico2:8080/profoundui/genie?ski ... suffixid=1

It's only the sign-on screen that is affected. I know the session with the first url runs under qinter, but the one with the workstation id and suffix id parms runs under profoundui. Is there a subsystem relationship with Genie jobs that would affect it? It's funny that it only affects the system signon screen.

Re: Sign-on Screen and wrkstnid/suffixid query parms in Genie

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:34 pm
by kroberson
Let me append that with more information. The url that is not working is showing the sign-on screen running under qpgmr. So we must have a job that's controlling that. I'll have to do some more digging on that. But, is there a reason Genie can find the screen running under qinter and not running under qpgmr?

Re: Sign-on Screen and wrkstnid/suffixid query parms in Genie

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 6:54 pm
by Scott Klement
qpgmr is the name of a subsystem on your box? Or do you mean the qpgmr user profile?

Genie doesn't determine which subsystems a job runs in -- the OS may be configured to control that via which workstation name you use, however.

As far as your screen showing/not showing, this is controlled either by the fields you specified as "identifiers", or via your JavaScript code where you call the detectScreen() API, depending on how you did things, etc. If you told Genie to only identify the screen when the subsystem says 'QPGMR', then it would only show it under that situation.

Re: Sign-on Screen and wrkstnid/suffixid query parms in Genie

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:03 pm
by kroberson
Yes, the qpgmr subsystem. Okay, the information about Genie helps me track down the issue. Thanks for your help Scott.