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Textbox autocomplete issue

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 2:53 pm
by slabadie

I created a display with a couple of auto-complete text boxes, first one for vendor entry/selection (auto-complete enabled), the second one for part number, which is loaded based on the vendor entry value/selection text box. I noticed that the part number box will only load when you select a value from the auto-complete vendor text box, but not when you manually type a value into the vendor box.

Any ways to get around this?

Re: Textbox autocomplete issue

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 5:32 pm
by Megan
Hello Sean,

This sounds like you are using the onchange event alone to do this. If the user tabs away after typing in a value, the onchange event should be triggered. If you would like the part number to attempt to load a value more often, you can try the oninput or onkeypress events in addition to the onchange event.

If this is an issue of the value not being submitted with the screen back to your program, you can try adding the following to the oninput event:

Code: Select all

pui.set(this, this.value); 
If this is not what you are doing though, could you please explain further what you are currently doing?

I hope this helps!


Re: Textbox autocomplete issue

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:30 am
by slabadie
Hi Megan,

It looks like the issue was that the results of the vendor box was being interpreted as "lower case", which was being passed to the part choice selection criteria as lowercase, so no results would display.

Thank you for your help.
