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Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:50 am
by rvosburgh
I am trying to load a type ahead text box using the choices url very similar to the sample that was shown in the 2018 profound seminar, just substituting fruit with employee names.
I created the universal json file just like in the sample.

In the choices url area of the display file I put /PROFOUNDUI/UNIVERSAL/CHOICES1.

empselectr is never being called.

I don't know what I am missing.

Re: Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:01 pm
by Scott Klement
Try running it from a web service testing tool, make sure its working independent of the calling display file. If not, determine why not... what step is it failing at? What symptoms do you see?

If it works from a testing tool but not a display, Look in the developer tools in your browser and see what's happening... is the URL running? are you getting an error from the server? etc...

Re: Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:56 pm
by rvosburgh
I tried using soapui and cannot get that to work either. See attachment. I put my correct server info in.
I may be doing something wrong when using soapui.
Receiving a status error HTTP/1.0 404 NOT FOUND.

I cannot find any reference to the url in debug either.

Re: Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:11 pm
by Scott Klement
How could you get a 404 not found if there's no reference to the URL?! HTTP codes like that ares only sent in response to sending a URL.

Re: Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:25 pm
by rvosburgh
I'm only getting the 404 not found when I try testing with SOAPUI.
I do not receive any errors whey I'm running the program through the browser.
When running through the browser using debug, that is when I cannot find any reference to the URL.

Re: Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:35 pm
by Scott Klement
Okay, so you have two issues:

1) Your web service doesn't work, you get a 404.
2) Your web service isn't being called from your display file.

#1 - you need to determine what the problem actually is, here. 404 not found means that the URL isn't found on the server. This could be because of some mistake in your PUIMAPP, or something in the httpd.conf.

#2 - you need to look at the display file and make sure that the "choices url" property is set. If this is a textbox (vs. a dropdown/combo/listbox) it will only be called when you type into the box. You say you aren't finding it in the "debugger", which is confusing to me, as the term "debugger" usually refers to the JavaScript code debugger. Since that makes no sense, I assume you don't really mean that, but rather that you are looking at the network requests, and you don't see a call to your URL, but you do see other URLs. This almost certainly means the choices url isn't set, or you aren't actually typing into the textbox. If you mean something else, please be explicit about what you mean.

Re: Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:49 pm
by rvosburgh
This is difficult for me to explain as much of this is new to me. It would be much easier if I had an email address so I can paste images to show what I am talking about.

Re: Can't get the CHOICES URL to work

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:58 pm
by Scott Klement
The point behind forums is that you can talk to any/all Profound UI users who wish to participate. Sending stuff in a private e-mail defeats the purpose of forums. You can include pictures in forum posts, there's an "attachments" tab underneath the editor where you can upload them.

Of course, you're always welcome to use our Support instead of forums if you don't want/need to have a public discussion. That's done by e-mailing