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messed up Window Titles in Genie

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:02 am
by wsdweb

we have a glich in some AS400-Subfiles displayed as window with window title (header).

In green screen the header (window title) is correct (column headings for the subfile).
In Genie these headings does not fit anymore to the columns of the subfile beneath.
We are using fixed fonts, so the problem is not using true type fonts.

Please have a look at the attachments (Example_green_screen.jpg and Example_genie.jpg)

Thanks a lot for your comments in advance.

Best regards wsdweb

Re: messed up Window Titles in Genie

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:44 am
by wsdweb
Hi Karim,

the Screenshot-Dump is attached as Screendump_JSON.txt.
The detail I've found inside is attached as Screendump_Detail.jpg

best regards


Re: messed up Window Titles in Genie

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:47 am
by Felix
Have you found a solution for this problem? I'm having nearly the same problem.
I think it has something to do with the font size.
On font-size: 14px; everything is fine, but if i go higher (16px) it starts to get worse.

(Use Fixed Font in Genie Administrator is TRUE)

Kind regards,