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Unable to open Designed screens in Atrium

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:17 am
by arora.saurabh
Hi Team,

We had trouble opening the profound designed screens through Atrium. Error 'Unable to reach server. Check your connection and try again.' pops up when accessing the option from the menu. Genie screens still work well through Atrium.

This problem started after the Chrome browser was updated to the latest version '64.0.3282.119'.

We are presently on profound version 5.10.1.

Please let me know if more information is required.

Saurabh Arora

Re: Unable to open Designed screens in Atrium

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:00 pm
by Scott Klement
For any of these errors related to Chome version 64, even if slightly different from the other forum threads on this topic, please contact