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Copy/Paste from within a grid

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:48 pm
by amarschner@masters
The users want the ability to copy data from within a grid. Not the whole grid, just bits & pieces from within the grid; an item number, a description, a quantity, etc.
They will, then, paste it into a field on a different screen.
This is easy in green-screen. The snipping tool doesn't do it the way they want it to.
I think because we generally use row selection in a grid, trying to copy just one piece of a grid line doesn't work.
Al Marschner
Maters Gallery Foods, Inc.

Re: Copy/Paste from within a grid

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:17 pm
by Scott Klement
Unfortunately, we don't have much control over how the browser copies things to the clipboard.