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Genie Subfile font setting?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:47 pm
by Larelyn
I am trying to change Genie to display automatically-detected subfiles in a fixed-width font. I'd like to do this across the skin environment instead of enhancing each subfile screen individually. Our skin is a copy of the Hybrid skin. I have our skin set to globally use fixed-width font, but that setting doesn't seem to apply to automatically-detected subfiles.

I'm stumped at where I can change this. There is no option in the Genie Administration, and when I inspect the elements, Verdana comes up as part of the This font setting doesn't seem to be derived from a stylesheet.

I can apply a font-family style to div elements in our skin css to get the desired results, but this seems a bit heavy handed. The div style then gets applied to divs on our rich display files (which we are trying to avoid fixed format on those screens).

Re: Genie Subfile font setting?

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:55 am
by Emily
Hi Lisa,

You can change the font style and size of auto-detected subfiles by using this selector in your skin's CSS file:

Code: Select all

div#subfile div.cell div {} 
So, for example, you could place the following at the bottom of your CSS file:

Code: Select all

div#subfile div.cell div {

  font-family: consolas, monospace;
  font-size: 12px; 

This will cause your auto-detected grids in Genie to use the Consolas fixed-width font. Of course, the above is just an example, you'll need to modify it based on your preferences.

I hope that this helps!

Re: Genie Subfile font setting?

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:22 pm
by Larelyn
Thanks, Emily! It sure does help!