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Grid Method "setFilter( columnIndex, expression )" not working

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:57 am
by arora.saurabh

We are using the grid function "setFilter( columnIndex, expression )" to filter out information based on multiple values by using "values A, B, C, etc. - searches for a list of values".

This is not working as the Profound JS code changes the expression values to lower case and compare with the actual case text from the grid. Thus it returns no value in the filter.

Here is the code snippet from the Profound's runtime.js:

if (q.substr(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "values ") {
q = q.substr(7).toLowerCase();
if (q == "") return true;
w = q.split(",");
for (r = 0; r < w.length; r++) {
q = bb(w[r]).toLowerCase();
if (m == q) return true
return false

The highlighted text is in error. When we just changed it to "if (m.toLowerCase() == q) return true", it worked fine.

Will you please verify if this will need to be fixed in runtime.js or if we could be doing something wrong.

Saurabh Arora

Re: Grid Method "setFilter( columnIndex, expression )" not working

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:56 pm
by Scott Klement
We already made this fix several months ago, and it has already been implemented in Profound UI 5.5.0

Re: Grid Method "setFilter( columnIndex, expression )" not working

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:18 am
by arora.saurabh
Hi Scott,

Thanks for your reply.

We installed 5.5.0 and this one is fixed.

Saurabh Arora