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Subfile rows and protected fields

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:35 am
by rasaro
We have some subfile screens that protect (block) input fields from being changed in certain conditions. In Genie, when you hover over rows where some fields are in protected mode the values in these fields are not shown, they disappear. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? Thanks.

Re: Subfile rows and protected fields

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:38 pm
by Scott Klement
I'm guessing that this is a color problem. If the background color and the font color are the same, the text will seem to "disappear". In other words, if you have black text on a black background, you can't see it... same with white on a white background, or any other color on a background of the same color, you can't see the text.

Is that what's happening here?

If so, I would suggest changing the colors. In the Genie administrator, there are settings for the colors used when you "hover" (or "highlight") a row. These are found in the "subfile settings" tab, near the bottom. This will change the colors for the entire skin:
genieadmin_highlightcolors.png (16.96 KiB) Viewed 610 times
If you want to change it on one screen (instead of the whole skin) you can change it in the properties for a particular grid. There it's called "hover" color:
subfile_hovercolor.png (5.92 KiB) Viewed 610 times
The other possibility, of course, is that you can change the colors for protected fields (instead of the colors for the hover effect) This would be done by changing the appropriate classes in the CSS file for your skin. I don't know the specifics for that off the top of my head, but if this interests you, you can use the Genie designer to see which CSS classes are being assigned to the protected fields, and then add / change the code for the appropriate class in your CSS file. In order to give you the exact specifics for that, I'd probably need to get a copy of your Genie skin and a JSON screenshot of this screen -- but, please see if the changing the "hover" stuff, above, will work for you before we go to the extra work of figuring that out.

Re: Subfile rows and protected fields

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:51 am
by rasaro
Changing the Row Highlight Color and Font Color fixed this. Thanks Scott.