Screen Placement Retention

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Screen Placement Retention

Post by steve.chapman »

I have a multi-panel Screen. It has multiple Grids and Tab Panels on it. When I postion the screen so the lowest tab panel is displaying and then click an different row in the grid above the screen always shoots back to the top. I am trying to figure out a way to allow me to keep the lower portion of the screen displayed while the user is working with that Grid Panel and Tab Panel.

I was trying to use the scrollIntoView on the ONLOAD of my screen format. but I need to figure out how to condition it so it is not always positioning there until I click into that 2nd grid. Screen shots are attached to hopefully help explain what I am looking to do. Plus it seems that the ScrollIntoView does not display the entire lower Tab Panel.

Screen Shot 3 is how I would like the screen to position upon clicking on a row in the lower grid.

Can you give me an Idea if it can be done and hopefully help me do that?

Thank you

I still have been unable to make this work. Could really use some direction and help. 5/19/14. Thank You..
screen shot 3.PNG
screen shot 3.PNG (254.75 KiB) Viewed 503 times
screen shot 2.PNG
screen shot 2.PNG (382.55 KiB) Viewed 503 times
screen shot 1.PNG
screen shot 1.PNG (364.51 KiB) Viewed 503 times
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