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External Javascript (screen level)

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:25 am
by jonAgeas
I want to run some functions when a particular screen loads. I have put a js file in WWW\profoundui\htdocs\profoundui\userdata\custom\js. The guide says "The JavaScript file to load is specified on the "external javascript" screen-level property". Can someone tell me where to find this please. I am in Desgin Mode and looking at my screen properties window but it is not listed. How do I access this js file?

Re: External Javascript (screen level)

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:21 am
by David
The property in question applies only to Rich UI designer -- not Genie. Sorry if the doc was not clear on that.

The property is used to load JavaScript files in -- it does not call the routines, in any case. For Genie, you would edit the skin's 'start.html' file and link in the file through a script tag there.

Then you can call the function using the 'onload' event in the designer.

Does this help?

Re: External Javascript (screen level)

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:14 am
by jonAgeas
Thank you. I will put my js file in start.html instead.

Could you explain, or point me in the direction of some documentation that does, what the difference is between Rich UI designer and Genie.

Re: External Javascript (screen level)

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:53 am
by David
You could have a look through the documentation here:

Genie and Profound UI are entirely different 'animals', although integrated. With Genie, you are screen-scraping, basically so it has less (although still a lot) options/features than PUI designer, and also the approach is much different...