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Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:29 pm
by Wayne C.
I may have reported this before but this is still an issue. A quircky thing that happens when a column in a grid is composed of a single character.

We have a few subfiles where this happens in Genie. For example, we have an Accounts Receivable screen that lists batches of cash that have been entered. The fifth column of the grid ('In Use') normally contains a blank... but contains a 'Y' when a user is working with that batch. The sixth column contains the User Id of the creator of that batch or the last person to update that batch. When every row contains a blank in the 5th column, then the User Id (actually part of it) from the 6th column appears in the 5th column. As soon as a 'Y' appears in any of the rows' 5th column, then everything's fine.

This appears to be a bug but is there anything I can do in the interrim? Is there any sort of code to be used (in Genie) that would maintain the integrity of the 5th column when all of the rows are populated with a blank?

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Re: Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:11 pm
by Scott Klement
Hi Wayne,

Would you post screen shots of the scenario that works and doesn't work? This is for my benefit -- I think it'll be easier for me to understand the scenario if I can see what it looks like.

If, for any reason, you don't feel comfortable posting the screen shots publicly in this forum, you can also send them to


Re: Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:18 pm
by Wayne C.
Hi Scott,

Here are the screen shots you requested.

Re: Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:28 pm
by Scott Klement
Looks like she's scanning across your subfile, trying to figure out where the columns are. Since your screen is blank down that column, she doesn't see anything there, and so thinks that's not a column.

Though, I would expect her to at least see the attribute code? So that bothers me a bit.

I'll confer with some colleagues and see what I can come up with.

Re: Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:34 pm
by Wayne C.
Thanks Scott.

It's not life or death, but it would be cool if that could be fixed. I found another instance but it was a little different. Basically same set-up ('In Use' and 'User ID' columns next to each other) except that the User ID data doesn't even appear unless at least one 'In Use' flag is populated with a 'Y'. I'm guessing that the problem displayed in this instance is related to the previous example.

Thanx for your help.

Re: Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:41 pm
by Wayne C.
Any luck or progress on this issue?

Re: Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:51 pm
by Scott Klement
My apoligies, Wayne. From your last message, I got the impression that this was not a high-priority item.

I'm going to need more information to look into this issue. I'll send you an e-mail so that we can get the info we need, and open a proper support ticket for this bug.

Re: Single character columns in a subfile / grid

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:13 pm
by Wayne C.
Just an update. As I did with another problem I was having, I launched a couple of the other skins included in Genie that we aren't using (therefore no CSS modifications) and viewed this subfile thru these other skins. It worked correctly.
Even though on my production skin I made some CSS modifications for coloring, I don't believe this problem has to do with the CSS. I think it has something to do with physically moving the subfile and data, and the grid locating the subfile data. I've checked the "data columns" property in the Designer and the values are correct. And everything works fine as long as there is one 'Y' in the "In Use?" column of the subfile.
I may try to start from scratch with this particular screen and see how it works if I don't change the position of the subfile... and then go from there. I've manually moved the left position of every subfile in our system to a more centered position without really any problem.