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Link or button to bookmark current page

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:56 pm
by leomoore
I am looking for a way to provide a link or button that will bookmark the current page. I wondered if there is a way to do it just with JS. Any help is appreciated.

Re: Link or button to bookmark current page

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:03 pm
by David
I'm not sure if there is a reliable and cross-browser compatible way of doing this with JS; see the discussion and code examples here: ... rs-mine-do

Also, in Profound UI there are not separate pages as you get with a "traditional" web application.

In Profound UI there is only 1 page that loads when you start a session, and it never reloads for the duration of the session. Applications screens are rendered "Ajax-style" without ever reloading this initial page.

So, a bookmark would just bring the user to the PUI sign on display, anyhow.

Re: Link or button to bookmark current page

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:59 pm
by leomoore

Re: Link or button to bookmark current page

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:08 am
by johny3329
I am having an issue with a library list setup. We have recently created a new library for RPGXML and the application I have created runs over a file that sits in the RPGXML library.

We have 2 machines, one for development which we have a full development and runtime licence and a live machine that has a runtime only licence. Therefore I cannot use the RPGSP development environment to modify the library list.

I’m not 100 % sure as I did not have anything to do with the implementation of the user environments but I think that the jobs run on the live machine using a fixed library list as I have the required library list when running Green screen programs but don’t have it when running RPGSP applications indicating that my library list is replaced at runtime. I have proven the issue by adding a call to a CL in the application which adds the RPGXML library to the list and that works but it is not ideal going forward.

Re: Link or button to bookmark current page

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:57 pm
by David
RPGsp pages set their own library list at each run. This happens in a call to RPGspInit() which is automatically inserted into each page at compile-time.

RPGspInit() looks for a file named QCOMPILED with member LIBLIST in the same library as the program is running from. The LIBLIST contains the list of libraries, one per record.

The dialog in the development tool which allows you to set the library list is simply updating this source member...