It's working fine for me... your display file loads (using the URL parameters) without any errors or problems or anything else.
So, we need to not only think about what's different between using the open dialog vs. the URL parameters, we also need to think about what's different between your setup and mine.
I'm running Profound UI 5.0.1 on V7R1.
Could it possibly be that you have a JavaScript file in /www/your-instance/htdocs/profoundui/userdata/custom (or a subdirectory of that) that could be interfering with the designer? That would be one thing that might be different about your environment.
Also, are you able to look at the error in the JavaScript console (see my prior message) this might help us determine what the issue is.
I can take a look at the difference in the code between using URL parameters and using the open dialog -- but I really think trying to find it this way is a "needle in a haystack" without any sort of error message or anything to help narrow it down.
If this is urgent, I strongly recommend opening a support ticket with our support department. You can do that by e-mailing -- please understand that forums are considered "community support", and are not given the same amount of resources and attention that our actual commercial support would be given.