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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:26 pm
by jac53
In order to change the timeout, Do I have to change the following two Profound HTTP directives or only the TIMEOUT one?

PersistentCGITimeout 3600
Timeout 3600


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:45 pm
by David
The PersistentCGITimeout directive controls the time interval after which the system will end the session job if there are no page requests -- i.e. the user does not submit a screen. For example, the user does not submit a screen for 1 hour, the job ends. This is probably the one you're after.

The Timeout controls the interval after which the HTTP server will give up on a long running page request. For example, the user submits a screen and the program takes 1 hour to respond. The HTTP server will abort the page request.