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Auto Detection of subfile

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:01 pm
by tcj2001
In Genie some of the auto detected subfile the Option are shown as popup menu on right click, and some of the subfile it does not do it. How can we fix this.

Re: Auto Detection of subfile

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:44 am
by David
The ability for Genie to create these menus depends on it being able to recognize certain patterns on the screen.

If you can provide a sample of a screen where it is unable to do this, I could advise. Let me know what version you are using and I can tell you how to get a sample from Genie.

Re: Auto Detection of subfile

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:31 pm
by tcj2001
Actualy its showing options on right click on all detecterd subfile, I had a situation where the subfile is in window, there is no option to detect the subfile for the screen, only way i could do is to overlay a grid on the existing data, but the problem with grid thats overlays a exiting data is that the grid does not get focus, the events like click or double click does not work, it works if your mouse are at the edge of the row or a colum. how can we fix this.

Re: Auto Detection of subfile

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:26 pm
by Alex
This is happening because the subfile output fields are on top of the grid instead of inside the grid. To fix this, you must use the Grid Data from Screen properties on the grid. Specify the "starting row" of the subfile, the "ending row" of the subfile, and a comma separated list of "data columns".

To see an example of how these properties are populated, go to a non-window subfile screen, and in design mode click on the grid.

Re: Auto Detection of subfile

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:31 pm
by tcj2001
I changed the screen properties of a window subfile to use the Grid Data from Screen and specifed starting row and ending row, and the column heading, but it did not work, It highlights the row on when you are at the bottom half of the row.