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Integrating TinyMCE Editor

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:27 pm
by DButler
I'm trying to get the example from the Integrating TinyMCE Editor page to work. I have downloaded the zip file, save file and example script. It renders a page but the text does not display and the buttons throw an error. I'm assuming I don't have the correct path or name somewhere but I'm not sure where. Does anybody have any experience with this or any suggestions?

Re: Integrating TinyMCE Editor

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:31 pm
by Scott Klement
It seems that tinymce isn't loading into the browser for some reason.

I would suggest using the developer tools in the browser to see if it is trying to load it. If it is, but is failing, the browser should give you an error code telling you why. (And if so, you can also look in the server's error log for more details.)

If it is not, it means you've forgotten to add the code to load the tinymce JavaScript.

Re: Integrating TinyMCE Editor

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:26 pm
by DButler
Thanks for the quick response and good tip to use the developer tools. The tinymce.min.js script was not getting found. I was getting a 404, page not found error. When I corrected the path, it works!