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Make Grid Column Static when Scrolling Horizontally

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:12 am
by georg.merten
Hi Profound-team,

we are using the horizontal scroll in multiple grids (simple container / overflow x) - with the result that important information like order-number is lost as soon as the user scrolls to the rights. I found options with CSS or javascript to "fix" or "freeze" the first column so that the user can always see it / knows to which order the data belongs.

could you help me to add this function to my grids ? is there a gridProperty which can be used ?


best regards,

Re: Make Grid Column Static when Scrolling Horizontally

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:14 pm
by Scott Klement
The way we normally do that is by putting two grids together. One of the grids has the fixed-position columns, and the other has the scrollable ones and is in the simple container widget. We use a little bit of JavaScript code so that when you scroll the scrollbar for the grid on the right, it also scrolls the one on the left.

I'm not familiar with the CSS/JavaScript things that you are referring to.

Re: Make Grid Column Static when Scrolling Horizontally

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:16 am
by rustygad
Where can I find an example of using horizonal scroll as described by Scott.