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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:38 pm
by Wayne C.
I was trying to find some info on 'screens' folders contained in a skin. I have the following folders in our skin:


It's been so long since these files were created I can't remember what they were for. I'm guessing they are backups for the "Screens" folder and created during a version update. Is it necessary to keep these or can I delete them? They're very old and I can't imagine they are of any use.

Thanks in advance.

Re: screens_2012-...

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:50 pm
by Scott Klement
Very old versions of Genie did not correctly follow the JSON specification. It worked, but when we introduced additional features, they failed because they expected full compliance with JSON. So our upgrade process was enhanced to convert the old files into proper JSON.

What it does is backup the old files in a directory called "screens_DATE" and put the fixed/converted files into the "screens" directory. It also creates a file named "files_converted" (an empty file placed in the genie skins directory) as a flag to indicate that the conversion is finished and doesn't need to be done again.

Somehow the files_converted file must've been deleted on your system, causing the conversion to run multiple times. (It doesn't really hurt anything.)

At any rate, you shouldn't need these folders, it's safe to delete them. I'd keep the files_converted file, however, to prevent it from creating another conversion the next time you upgrade.