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Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:33 am
by dkmccammon
Is there a way to add a column to the subfile at the beginning of the subfile? I know about the one that you can add at the end, but I need to add one at the beginning.

Re: Subfiles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:55 am
by Emily

We currently don't have a way to add a column at the beginning of the subfile. However, you can add a column at the end of the subfile and simply move it to the beginning (or wherever you want to add it). To move a column, you can simply grab the header of the column that you want to move, and drag it to a new position in your grid. You should see blue arrows show up above the grid that shows you where you're about to place the column while you're dragging it.

Would this work for you? Let us know if you have any other questions!


Re: Subfiles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:16 am
by dkmccammon
That will work thank you. I didn't notice that option before because I was hiding the headers and creating my own custom headers so the option to move the columns around was gone. I added them back and moved the columns where I wanted to and then removed the headers again, thank you.

Re: Subfiles

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:26 am
by dkmccammon
Actually after saving it and refreshing the page with the refresh on the toolbar, the column reverts back to the end of the subfile, so this will not work it appears.

Re: Subfiles

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 4:41 pm
by Scott Klement

Emily's advice does not apply to grids that are loaded from 5250 data that's "consumed" from the green-screen. In this 5250 mode, Genie tries to figure out which data to load into which grid column based on where the data is located in the green-screen -- so if you move the columns around, it may very well put it in a different place when the screen is re-drawn.

If this is a database-driven grid, then moving the column will work fine -- provided that you ALSO change the order of the database fields (columns) to match the new sequence.

If this is a Rich Display, then moving the columns as Emily describes will work perfectly.

So it really depends on the situation. But, since you posted this in the Genie forum, I'm guessing you are "consuming" from the green-screen... and you're right, this won't work in this case.