Error MCH0601
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 4:05 pm
We are experiencing a sporadic error on our new Profound GUI screens, maybe once every few weeks among many users. It isn't clearly tied to Profound but it never occurred prior to conversion to PUI. I'm hoping someone has seen this or similar and could point me in the right direction. It is happening in any number of different programs when writing the record format that contains our message subfile. This is done just prior to displaying the rest of the screen, which overlays on top of the message subfile. This is code that has been unchanged for many years. Any ideas on what to look for would be greatly appreciated.
This is the error: MCH0601
Note: DEVPRFND is what would normally be the PROFOUNDUI library.
We are running PUI version 5.4.0 on V7R1M0.
This is the error: MCH0601
Code: Select all
Message . . . . : Space offset X'00FFF000' or X'0000000000000000' is outside
current limit for object DEVPRFND QTMHHTTP 493918.
Cause . . . . . : A program tried to set a space pointer, tried to use
storage outside a space, or tried to use an unallocated page in teraspace.
The space class is X'04'. The space class designates the type of space:
00-primary associated space (includes space objects).
01-secondary associated space 0.
02-implicit process space for automatic storage.
03-implicit process space for static storage in activation group mark
04-implicit process space for heap identifier X'00000000' in activation
group mark X'0000000000000000'.
We are running PUI version 5.4.0 on V7R1M0.