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Decimal visibilty error in subfiles

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:31 am
by edigraef
we have a problem with decimal digits in subfiles.
Profound UI version: 5.5.0
The field is definede as decimal 9,2 (Attachment bild1).
In the RPG-Programm we have defined the Genie-Handler(Attachment bild2).
There should be 3,00 and not 3,00,00 (Attachment bild3).


Re: Decimal visibilty error in subfiles

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:23 am
by Scott Klement
When the subfile is on your display, please press Ctrl-F9. This will download a file named json.txt to your PC. Please upload/attach that file to this discussion.

This will let us re-run your screen (with all of the data, settings, etc.) so that we can see what is happening.


Re: Decimal visibilty error in subfiles

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:02 am
by Scott Klement
I see the problem. It appears to be a bug in the Genie Handler. It will be fixed in the next release of Profound UI.

Unfortunately, we have no way to track bug reports in the forums. Please report this as a bug to Profound Logic by e-mailing