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Adding new Themes

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:11 am
by JamesMayor
What objects need to be changed to add new themes and get those themes listed within Atrium. I have already created "xtheme-gazelle.css" based on the "gray" theme but using different colours and placed in the "\atrium\themes\css" folder and also a folder "gazelle" (contents from "gray" folder) in the "\atrium\themes\images" folder but the theme is not listed within Atrium.

Re: Adding new Themes

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:46 am
by Hany
The themes in Atrium are not extensible as of now. We do have future plans to read the available themes from the file system. However, we do not have an estimate release date for this feature yet.

One workaround is to backup an existing theme and then replace it with a custom one, using the same names. For instance, you could just replace the "gray" theme with your files. Then you can select "gray" from the drop down menu in Atrium to load the changes.

Also, make sure the browser is not caching to see if the changes take effect.

Re: Adding new Themes

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:48 pm
by JamesMayor
Thank you for the information. I will look forward to a future release in this area.
Additionally would also like to be able to define a customised Login Screen (Login image).