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Grid Subfile Rec. # behavior - IE vs. Chrome

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:19 am
by stevemoga
We have a grid where the Subfile Record Number(SFLRCDNBR) on the grid is defined as a variable and is set in the RPG. On the grid the values "Position to Top" and "Place Cursor" are set to true. When the user fills in a value in a "Position to" field and post the form, in IE9/IE10/IE11 the process works correctly. The grid loads and the top record is the requested value. Using the same program, same source - the only difference being running in Chrome (v. or in FireFox - The grid positions 1 record above the requested record. So if record 3 (value of 50) is requested, record 2 (value of 49) is the top record on the grid. Focus lands on the correct row/widget but the grid is not positioned correctly. See the attached screen shot.
Zones.jpg (15.55 KiB) Viewed 1100 times
Is this a known issue? Is there a work around? In chrome set the record number to record number + 1?

Re: Grid Subfile Rec. # behavior - IE vs. Chrome

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:02 pm
by Scott Klement
This is the first I've heard of it...

After starting a screen that postions to the wrong record, please press Ctrl-F9 to capture a JSON dump of the screen data. This will ask you to download a file named json.txt -- can you post that here? (Or file a bug report with

Re: Grid Subfile Rec. # behavior - IE vs. Chrome

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:04 pm
by benjaminradin
Just to correct a comment in the description of the issue below, the focus is not on the correct check box. In fact, I have no idea where the focus went to. If you haven't received the Json.txt file, I attached one here (DealerTrack_PD0043R_json.txt). Thanks for your help.

Re: Grid Subfile Rec. # behavior - IE vs. Chrome

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:37 am
by Scott Wagers

I've opened a support issue for this (Issue #1700). I will be in contact with you shortly.

Thank you