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Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:00 pm
by Wayne C.
We started receiving this message a short time ago when using the File Upload widget:

Message from webpage

RNX1211: I/O operation was applied to closed file FARTER

Is there anyway to track down what this message is indicating? FARTER (or any of its variations) is our RPG programmer's quick way of naming a test file, program, etc. But there doesn't seem to be a file on the iseries or the IFS by that name... at least any longer. In this test instance the file that should've been uploaded is "Koala.jpg" to folder TMI225700100 (one of our orders). I verified that this folder does exist. FARTER doesn't seem to be hardcoded anywhere (RPG program PUIUPLEXIT or the directory within the File Upload widget).

We've recompiled PUIUPLEXIT and got the same result when trying upload the file. Also, my co-worker gets the exact same message when he tries to upload a file from his PC. This occurs only in our test environment (port 8091). We can upload files with no problem in our production environment (port 8080). Both environments are on the same release of Genie. I've Googled RNX1211 but haven't really found any useful information.

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:36 pm
by Scott Klement

Not sure what's going on here, Wayne. This is not a Profound file, is it? (A Rich Display file?) Are you using this file as part of a database-driven widget or something like that?

If not, I can only guess that this has something to do with one of your programs. You should be able to view the message details in the job log, and it should say which routine the message was sent to. Does that provide any clues?

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:29 pm
by Wayne C.
Yeah FARTER. We're real highbrow here! No, it's definitely not a Profound file.

Pete (the programmer) and I are still looking into this. But I can't find a job log entry for the error/message. It doesn't seem to be producing a dump either. So that's making the troubleshooting a little more challenging. But this was working at one time. The last time we uploaded anything in our development environment was probably 3 or 4 weeks ago. So I'm guessing one of our programs could've been tweaked in the interim. It seems the only program that is called after pressing "Upload" is PUIUPLEXIT and our working version is very simple. But FARTER threw me off because that file or folder doesn't seem to exist on our system anywhere.

Antways, if you can think of anything, please let me know. We'll continue to check things out here. Thanx again.

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:50 am
by pwconner
I started getting this message after making some changes to a program that does not use the upload file feature. The problem for me started when I removed the /FREE and /END-FREE compiler directives. I had to make a program change and thought I would clean up the code since these directives are no longer needed. Something about removing the directives caused the PUI compiler (source modifications) to not include the "if 0=1" before the WRITE statement even though the "if" was included before the OPEN statement. So wah-la, RNX1211, I/O operation was applied to closed file...

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:17 pm
by Scott Klement

I'm not sure that your issue is related to the one that Wayne posted? Wayne is using Genie, he is not using the Rich Display tool, and therefore his code is using the standard IBM compilers and is outputting green-screens.

It sounds to me like you are using the Profound pre-processors (PUIBNDRPG, PUIRPGMOD, etc) instead of the IBM compilers. The Profound pre-processors are ONLY intended for V5R4 systems (since Open Access is not available for V5R4.) Therefore, the /free and /end-free directives are indeed still required when using these preprocessors.

I would STRONGLY, STRONGLY recommend using Open Access instead of these precompilers if at all possible. The precompilers are pretty good, but they are nowhere near as good or easy to maintain as programs using Open Access, and really, you should not still be using V5R4.

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:26 pm
by Wayne C.
I still have not resolved this problem. Yesterday, I applied the latest release of ProfoundUI hoping that might reset an error flag or something that might be hanging out there in cyberspace contributing to the problem. That didn't help. This morning I created folder FARTER in the directory hoping that this would enable the cycle to complete. But that hasn't worked either. I still get the original RNX1211 message. When I look at the WRKACTJOB entry, it seems that PUIUPLEXIT has not been executed yet. It looks like the error occurs after clicking "Upload" on the widget but before PUIUPLEXIT is executed. Anyways, we'll continue to try to figure this thing out.

FARTER (or something similar) is a name that Pete the programmer sometimes uses as a test file name or some sort of test value. I never use that and I'm the only one working on the Profound side. So that makes me guess it's something on the RPG side of this. Maybe there's a data area that's not getting cleared out. We'll keep checking.

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:18 am
by Scott Klement
The problem definitely sounds like a bug in an RPG program (since RNX1211 is an RPG error) and it would apply to an F-spec style file (SQL errors would have an SQLxxxx message id).

The only thing I can think of is to do DSPPGMREF on all of the programs on your system. Dump the results into an *OUTFILE, and query the outfile to see where the FARTER file is used. Maybe that will help you discover the problem?

If that doesn't help, I'm not sure what else to suggest. Obviously, you need to figure out which program this is occuring in and fix the code in that program to either keep the file open, or to re-open it when needed. But, as this isn't in Profound's code, I'm not familiar with the programs, so it's hard for me to assist you.

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 5:43 pm
by Wayne C.
Thanks Scott. This info puts a little more light on the problem. I'm going to pass this onto Pete.

Re: Getting message RNX1211

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:15 am
by Wayne C.
Thanks Scott. We were able to sort this out using your suggestions and recompiling PUIUPLEXIT to the proper library.