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Image Zooming

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:38 pm
by martinp
is there a easy way, to make an Image object zoomable ? (With two fingers like a iphone gallery picture)


Re: Image Zooming

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:53 pm
by Scott Klement
An easy way would be to run your Rich Display in Safari. I'm pretty sure it has pinch-to-zoom built in for all web pages.

Another approach that has worked for me is to put 'onclick' code in the image so that when the user taps it, it opens a full-size image in a new window.\

Aside from that, not sure what to suggest. This doesn't come up often, so it's very possible that there are lots of better answers out there and I just don't know what they are :-)

Re: Image Zooming

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:12 pm
by Alex
I am sure pinch-to-zoom on an image can be accomplished with CSS3 and JavaScript. The coding for this may or may not be trivial -- I don't know. I haven't done something like this either. This may be possible to accomplish easily using some 3rd party js library that does this already, if you can find one.