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Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:21 am
First Name: Patrice
Last Name: Vincent
Company Name: Saphir Systèmes


Post by PatriceVincent »

I have a subfile displaying invoice number.
Against each line, i can put in the option field a "P" to view the PDF of the invoice selected.
The program is then calling a CL launching a display of the PDF in the browser.
It works well for one selection in 5250 mode and in génie mode.
But, when i select multiple lines with "P" and make ENTREE, in 5250 mode i have for each line a PDF of the invoice in the browser (ok) but in genie mode, i have only the last line of invoice selected by "P". Nothing is done with the others.
To be sure, i have put a pui.alert in the custom.js file (onpccommand).
did i miss something ?
Thanks for your help,
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