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Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:09 am
by Orin
Hi guys,

I have a problem with my display files.

Before installing profoundui 5.0.0, my css panels within my display files were yellow. However since the upgrade, the body theme and header theme properties of these files go blank no matter how many times i make the change, save and compile the file with yellow selected as the body theme. Somehow it goes back to default and blanks the before mentioned properties of the panel.

Could you please help me with this issue. What's wrong with the visual designer?

PS. even files that i had saved and compiled prior to installation of 5.0.0 ( and have not compiled since the installation) are showing up in the atrium with the default theme colors.

Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:24 am
by Scott Klement
Hmm... that's strange. There weren't any changes made to the CSS Panel widget in 5.0. (The most recent change I can find is in 4.7.1)

The CSS panel 'themes' work by apply particular CSS classes to the parts of the panel. The settings that control the colors, etc, of the panel come from a CSS file in the IFS. Is it possible that you have overridden some of these CSS classes in your own CSS file? That would explain why the colors would be different. Could that be it?

If not, can you send us a JSON dump of the screen (or one of the screens if there is more than one) where you're having this problem? To do that, navigate to the screen and press Ctrl-F9. The browser will ask you to download a file (json.txt). Download it, and post the file here (or e-mail it to tech support, From that we will be able to "replay" your screen on our machine and see if we have the same problem.

Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:37 am
by Orin
Hi scott,

I have attached the file.

I do not believe we have overriden profoundui's css file where i know the definition for the panels style colors, etc is stored. I am still seeing the css rule for ui-btn-up-e which is the class for the yellow theme.

However i can say we have some custom color buttons and the correct colors for those are being displayed so i'm not quite sure what happened with the display file that caused the change of theme not to be saved.

Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:13 pm
by Scott Klement
This is interesting... so far, this is what I've discovered... when you output your screen, this is the detail that the server is sending to the browser for the CSS panel:

Code: Select all

                        "field type":"layout",
                        "template":"css panel",
                        "z index":"8",
                        "min height":"300px",
                        "min width":"450px",
                        "locked in place":"true",
The weird thing is that the properties for the "header theme" and "body theme" are missing. Because of that, it will use the default themes which are "B - Blue" for the header, and "C - Gray" for the body.

I don't understand why it's not sending the themes? Is it possible that you don't have these properties set in the visual designer? But, based on your earlier description, that seems unlikely...

Would you please send me a copy of the display file? I will write a program that outputs the display, that way I can verify that these properties are set in the designer and for some reason aren't being sent out at run-time.

An easy way to send me your display file is to open it in the deisgner, and click "Save As". Choose "Local file" to save it to your PC -- then you can upload the file from your PC to this forum (or e-mail it to if that's easier) and I'll take a look.


Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:52 am
by jailall101
Hi Scott. We did set the body theme and header theme properties. For some reason it's just not being saved when the screen is compiled because when we re-open the screen after saving and compiling it, those properties are blank again. As you mentioned earlier, the source posted does not have the body theme or header theme properties after it is compiled with profoundUI, but if we were to stitch in the following lines:

-> "header theme":"B - Blue",
-> "body theme":"E - Yellow",

and compile the file using RDi, only then does the changes take effect. Please note however, if we make any modifications in ProfoundUI's designer and save the file these properties get lost again. We never experienced this problem before 5.0.0.

Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:33 pm
by Scott Klement
Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this problem myself. I tried creating a panel, setting the themes, saving, compiling, and re-opening and the properties were retained for me.

Could you please provide a copy of the display file so I can try your actual file? You can do this by opening the file in the designer, choosing "Save As" and saving it to a file on your PC. Then, upload that file here.

Also, it might help to know which version of which web browser you are using so I can make sure I'm doing the same thing.

Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:09 pm
by jailall101
I have attached the file as requested.

Browsers used:

Google Chrome: Version 37.0.2062.103 m
Internet Explorer: Version 10.0.9200.17054

Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:48 pm
by Scott Klement
Can you tell me which web browser you are working with when you save/compile and lose the themes? And the version number of that browser?


Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:39 pm
by jailall101
I edited the post above with the browsers' version information.

Re: Problem with CSS Panel Layout after 5.0.0 upgrade

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:21 pm
by Orin
Any updates on this? I'm still having the issue.